I've been reminding my mom for days to update the blog but she and my daddy have been too busy. She says she'll finally do it when we get a little "settled" into our new house. I'm not sure what that means because nobody around here sits down too much.
We started our quest for a new home with land mid Febuary. My mom, dad and Grandpa kept taking me all around town, in and out of my car seat for days! I was really sick of looking at houses! My mom and dad had a tall order but we are finally in a place that my mom says dreams are made of.
This is what our life consisted of (boxes, boxes everywhere) for about a month. It was fun for about a minute.
Here's me in my new kitchen. In this picture, I'm looking out the window at the duckies on the pond. Mommy says we'll have baby ducklings out there any day now. I'm so excited! We have LOTs of different birds at our new house. Hawks and sparrows and big huge owls!
Here's my two favorite people...grandma & grandpa eating dinner with us for the first night (or second) in our new house. Mommy & daddy said we couldn't have done any of this move without Grandma & Grandpa. They ended up watching me for days while Mommy & Daddy painted and cleaned and painted and cleaned our old house.
If you come & visit us, this is the road to our new home. See Powell Butte in the background? We also have some big LONG horns that live across the street and horsies too.
This is my new couch that Grandma and Aunt Marcy bought for me. I really needed this thing. As you can see, I'm loving it! It makes me so happy. My mommy made me some popcorn and we watched movies and I sat on my new couch. How Fun!
This is my daddy and I sitting on a tree by our pond. We have alot of work to do at our new house...like watering and fixing irrigation...but my mom keeps saying, "This is what dreams are made of...." I'm not sure what that means....yet.