Monday, April 6, 2009

Almost four months old!

Here's me & my mom. She's always kissing me!
This is my favorite position in the world. Whenever I am the least bit sad, this position just sets me right. My daddy is so strong! As you can see we're both amazed!

I'm a real flirt. This is one of my common smiles. I have the best attitude and my mom and dad say I'm the best baby ever!

Look at how tall I've gotten.
Here's one of my great babysitters, Olivia. She's playing airplane with me and I am drooling ALL over her! This is so fun!

Here's me and my Aunt Marcy. She's one of my favorite baby sitters too. See, I'm real tired in this picture by my family is oogling over me so I'm maintaining my composure for now.

Here I am just looking cute. My grandma Williams gave me this Bronco Jersey and I already have big muscles to fill this thing out.

My daddy's whiskers feel really good on my feet. He thinks my feet smell good too so
we play this game a lot. Here I am taking a bath AGAIN...see, I've discovered that I have legs and they are very fascinating to me. I've also discovered my hands and how to roll over from my tummy to my back!

Here I am on my three month birthday. I'm already out of my three month old clothes and onto the six month duds. I weigh in at 14.2lbs and I am 25 inches long now!

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