Monday, December 15, 2008

Ruari O Connell has arrived!

Ruari O Connell entered the world on 12/09/08 at 11:54 pm. He weighed 6lbs11oz and was 20 inches long. After two hard days of labor, it was decided that he come out via cesarean. Mama Connell was actually relieved by that time as she thought Ruari would never come. Despite how much he liked it on the inside, Ruari is very accepting of his new existance in the world. He is a calm and mild mannered baby. He is almost already sleeping through the night. He is gaining weight and eating very well. We are all very proud of him and all he does is just eat, poop and sleep!

1 comment:

SK said...

Beautiful baby! Congratulations, Tracey. Have a very Merry Christmas. -Sue Sherrod (also a lucky mother of 2!)