Friday, February 6, 2009

8 weeks and smiling!

Oh yeah, I still LOVE to take a bath. I can put down almost seven hours of sleep if Mommy and Daddy bathe me before bed. It's so much fun and so relaxing!
Daddy finally let me wear the Air Jordons that he bought me about three years before I was born. I've been just so excited to get these things on my feet. Actually Mommy says Daddy was more excited than me!

My buddy Thor came over to visit for the first time. He was born a week after me. Dad tried to wake me up to play but I was just beat from playing so hard earlier.

My friends Barney & Roseanna came to visit me for the first time too. They kept wanting to put me in my room because they were afraid I wouldn't sleep well with the dog barking and the TV blairing. Mommy told them that I was real used to that since I heard it in her tummy.

I'm such a convenient size right now...comfortable enough to sleep in the laundry basket.

Mommy actually got me to smile on my 6 week birthday and I've been smiling ever since. As you can see I'm very photogenic. My cheeks are filling out and more kissable than ever.

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