Wednesday, June 24, 2009

Our little ham...

6 months has been such an exciting time. Ruari is rolling over from front to back like crazy. He's eating solids now and discovering new things about the world every minute, it seems. He's grabby McGrabberson and wants to touch everything and then put it in his mouth. He's so much fun and such a happy little man. Here are a few highlights of the last month (0r so)...
So, I've found my feet and I actually even love to suck on my toes.

Camping at Cape Perpetua. I love my daddy.

Oh and I really like to eat now too. Mom tried a couple of months ago, but it wasn't my thing. Now, I'm really diggin' it.

Mom & dad took me on my first camp out. We went to the coast and it was beautiful and sunny. I had a great time but really put a damper on mom & dad's sleep. I pretty much had insomnia the whole time. I was just out of my element.

I love to look at myself in the always makes me smile & want to eat myself.

As part of my development, I now grab onto everything in my reach, including my mom's cold one. Of course, in this way I'm just like my dad...always reaching for the Rogue. Of course, mom's a party pooper, she wouldn't even let me have a sip.

I'm very enthusiastic about books, especially if I can gum them each time my mom turns the page.